Mauricio Diagama Durán

    Mauricio Diagama Durán

    Mauricio Diagama Durán – Professor of geopolitics, geoeconomics and international relations, consultant, researcher and lecturer internationally (Argentina, Mexico, Peru, Russia, Venezuela, among other countries) and nationally, on topics associated with geopolitics, international relations, public administration, educational administration, international affairs management and international business. Bogota, Colombia. 

    By Mauricio Diagama Durán Clausewitz’s famous phrase, a classic in the realist thinking of the geopolitical method, according to which “war is not simply a political act, but a true political instrument,…

    By Mauricio Diagama Durán In today’s academic and corporate world, albeit somewhat timidly, a new concept associated with economic, political and business issues linked to geography, space and natural resources is beginning…

    By Mauricio Diagama Durán Despite the development of communications, mass technologies and, in general, so-called globalization 4.0, the world still has major internal and international conflicts associated with natural resources and, therefore,…

    By Mauricio Diagama Durán The world, stumbling into a new globalization, presents tensions deriving from the interaction of international issues with national and local ways of thinking and acting. These tensions have resulted…